Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Happens When We Switch Beauty Identities? What About the Men Who Want To Look Like Women?

I like the natural attributes I have that make me look like a lady, but I'm not a huge advocate of enhancements; whether it be heavy make up, hair extensions, or plastic surgery.  I just don't like to set false expectations.  I want you see ME!

However there are men who are attracted to the dandy of women's fashion and cosmetic trends.  The art of it I think is beautiful, but also ironic, because drag queens are beauty wise better at being lady than me!  

I think Rupal is a beautiful woman and a handsome man.  It's so unfair for him to have both! Haha!  But this dual lifestyle can't be easy, as he would say "You Better Work"!

No, I mean it, you better work.  For a man to succeed at looking like a woman they have to shave all their facial and chest hair (unfortunately some women have to do the same), and manipulate their make-up in a way to  lessen their adam's apples and their define cheekbones.  This above routine is what I avoid as women. 

Ecco's History of Beauty discusses machines and how humans could see the beauty in what the machines produced and the actions of a functioning engine, however they saw the actual machine as ugly.  I think the routine of putting on make-up is monstrous.  For me, it is a cosmetic propaganda machine!

However, Hollywood has been successful in the borrowing of beauty ideals between males and females.  If "Annie Hall" was a hit, then "Tootsie" was an earthquake!

And actually one of my favorite movies!  Dustin Hoffman is a really hot and endearing woman.

And I can't say I minded seeing Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes, and John Leguizamo in tights!  

And I think we've accepted the imagery of males DRESSING like women in modern society for entertainment and laughs, but the attitude changes when a Adonis actually wants to be Venus.  There's a difference between a man wanting to wear lipstick and a man wanting breasts.

Male to female sex change operations are taking a huge step across beauty and gender lines.  Some people feel the same way about these operations as they do machines.  The product can be beautiful, and the fact that we have the technology to make these changes is fascinating.  However, they find the fact that some men desire to make this change ugly.  What do think?  Are the above images beautiful?  Or are they monsters?

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