Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And Let's Not Forget About The Women Who Aspire To Look Like Men....

There are many degrees in the transformation from Adonis to Venus.  We've already discussed tomboyism, a degree which I reached in my elementary years, so lets' start at androgynous women.  Or women who are born with features that look manly or that are riding the line between male and female.  

I think the most famous woman with this look is the Mona Lisa.  There are many conspiracies that the woman painted below is actually a man.  What do you think?  Do you find the confusion beautiful?

Then there are women who just enjoy enhancing features that are typically popular with males.  In our society it is almost normal to see a woman with breast implants, but we are still in awe of the female body builder.  What do you think guys?  Do you want to take her out on a date?

Or there are women who just prefer to look like your everyday male in a non extreme way.  They don't want to look like they're wearing the costume of a man.  They really just want to look like a man.  These women wear their hair cut shortly and loose close as not to define their curves.  These women can be found next door...

And they can be found in Hollywood night clubs where DJ Samantha Ronson spins...

And they can be found on MSNBC where Rachel Maddows has her own news journal show.

Hollywood cashed in on telling the stories of women who are going through this transition from male to femal.  "Boy's Don't Cry", starring Hilary Swank is a movie about a real woman named Teena Brandon who lived her life as a man, Brandon Teena, and died for it when some male friends discovered she was really a female.

And in "Shakespeare in Love", Gwenyth Paltrow played a man to get on the stage.

And now we have women who don't just dress in men's clothing or work out a lot to have muscle features like a man, we have women who actually change their sexual organs to become male.  Most famously, Chaz Bono, formerly Chastity Sun Bono.

And if you thought the bullet stopped there you were wrong, we have woman who become men, and then have babies!?

Is this freedom to cross the beauty lines liberating?  Is it feminism?  Is it beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. "Hollywood cashed in on telling the stories of women who are going through this transition from male to femal. "Boy's Don't Cry", starring Hilary Swank is a movie about a real woman named Teena Brandon who lived her life as a man Brandon Teena, and died for it when some male friends discovered she was really a female."

    please fix that. he's a trans man.
    the kind of transphobic views is what got the actual dude killed and raped IRL. please be considerate.
