Tuesday, March 29, 2011

And If You Aren't Born Rapunzel You Can Buy Rapunzel

Ghanaian women aren't allowed to get perms until after high school so their hair doesn't act as a distraction from their studies. 

For those who are "follically" challenged, the WIG is an option.

It's symbolic of their transition from girls to women, this HAIR.

But men have also used hair to prove their maturity and status.  Today both men and women wear wigs to make up for hair loss or a genetic hair shortage.  But if nature clearly didn't intend on us having long hair, why are we so bent on acquiring it?  

What about natural beauty?  If wigs are supposed to make me beautiful, then why do they itch so bad.  They're supposed to make me more attractive to men, but once I've lured him in with my theatrics, I can't let him touch me for fear that he will learn the truth.  But isn't the truth beauty anyways?...

  An 18th century male in America wouldn't walk out of his front door without his wig.

He wasn't going to sign the Declaration of  Independence without it either.

And since Ghana was colonized by the British, their government officials still meet adorned in wigs.

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France would never have been seen without her dandy hair piece.  

Her hair defined the style of the times, but it also represented the useless spending of the King who purchased beauty for his family instead of BREAD for his people.  As a result, his loyal subjects would become an ugly mob.

And they weren't going to let Marie live, or die with her wig that had cost France everything, but rewarded them with a Revolution.

Today whether a White Woman

Or a Black Woman

The Beauty you read about in FAIRY TALES is at your fingertips.  And depending on the wig you can be Rapunzel, Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Jasmine, or Mulan.

And while it's beautiful, just like the dream, even in real life this image is intangible.  Does Beyonce look approachable to you here?  Does she look like she'd dive in the ocean with you?  She can't.  It would destroy her hair.

Does Kim Zoliak look like she'll give you a hug?  Probably not, it would flatten her curls.

And doesn't she kind of look like a MONSTER?

Wigs can produce beauty, but they can also make you look funny

Or fake

Or a hot, exploited mess.  Someone call social services on this mother, please!

I think the Ghanaian school system has it right.  I mean who is BEAUTIFUL and who is the DISTRACTION in this photo?

1 comment:

  1. Well, written I learned alot!
    I'm a dude but I still understand what you are saying loud and clear. I also against doing my hair, deodorant, and cologne; but I guess thats a little too mcuh :D But really whats the point if the person your gonna be with is going to see you for who you are eventaully ya no? Great article :3
