Monday, February 7, 2011

Warrior Janet Jackson at the Superbowl


Janet's armor didn't hold up too well.  For those of you who might have been living under a rock during Super Bowl 38, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake performed a duet during the half time show.  Janet was wearing vinyl armor.  Boy did she look tough (Way tougher than I looked in my baggy jeans and big tshirts for sure! Haha!). Towards the end of the performance, Justin was supposed to pull off a part of her chest piece, but instead he took EVERYTHING. The entire nation got to see Janet's breast exposed on live TV.  

This suit really lacked protection, especially for her chest.  

If you research classic images of Venus, most of the photos have her nude or semi nude.  She is exposed, and that seemed to be a great part of her strength, for she carried the power of seduction, which Adonis could not fight with a sword.  

So why is she weak here?  She's even wearing a symbol of Apollo as an additional defense.  

Why is this exposed Venus considered ugly by the nation?  

Why isn't the photo above art?  When the painting below is....

Janet did go against the classical ideas of beauty which were defined in terms of staying in form and proportion.  While there is symmetry in her wardrobe, she did get out of line in a figurative sense.  There were children watching the Super Bowl.  However, in this painting, it looks like Cupid is cupping Venus' breast.  So when do these lines of beauty lay in acceptable gray zones?

How do I find my own balance between strength and sex appeal?  Oh, another attempted compromise between Adonis and Venus.  Does that equation even exist?

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