Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wait...We Had Armor All Along!

After Joan wore armor on the battlefield, women were allowed to wear armor in the form of a corset for fashion.  Men wore armor so they could push closer to their enemy.  Women's armor was meant to push their breasts closer to their chins.  Men wore are armor to protect themselves from arrows.  Women's armor was to protect our asses so bulges wouldn't hang out .  But is this beautiful?  

I don't know it's seems pretty dangerous to me. 

In King Arthur's day, soldiers, if not from arrows, could die from their armor because it was so heavy that if they fell down, it was almost impossible to get up.  For women, their corsets could be so tight, that it could cause organs to rupture leading to death.

Is this beautiful?

Men received the beauty of honor from fighting for a cause.  Women  obtained the beauty of a desired figure (Oh, there's that dangerous word "desire").

I ask again is this beautiful?  One's dead, and the other is dead on the inside.  

But both are puppets.  Soldiers are puppets to their kings, and some women still provide a puppetry for their husbands.  Wait, wasn't the point of armor for both, to be empowered? 

I know armor is supposed to keep us safe, but we still die whether it's to rule a country or one's waistline.  Which at the end have a mind of their own.  
Beauty is an idea, not a rule.  So why does it feel so much like the latter?

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