Tuesday, February 8, 2011

But Before Madonna There Was Wonder Woman

And her armor wasn't just for style and attention, it was used for protection in helping to save the world from injustice.  It's not complete ideal beauty (I mean come on, her abs and chest are safe, but a bullet in the thigh could hurt don't you think?), but at least its partly utilizing the armor's original function.  

And she is beautiful.  Wonder Woman is symmetrical and in proportion, but since she's like Mother Theresa in a leotard, her beauty appeases the soul and the eye.  She's beautiful inside and out.  

While drawn in mortal form, Wonder Woman was mirrored after the Amazons in Greek mythology "whose mission was to bring the Amazon ideals of love, peace, and sexual equality to a world torn by the hatred of men" (Wikipedia).

So like Venus, her objective is love, but like Adonis, she's willing to fight for it.

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